A large creature that is into prostitution in mammels, especially whales and squirrels. Invented the Australian prodegy for donald trumps 1.7m wall in Pakistan and possibly relating to Mexico. A mole is an austrailian word for a big lug also.
by Johnny Huey June 28, 2018
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A small creature covered in dark hair that prefers dark places.
The Mole is blind which prevents proper desicions to be made visually.
Damn Simon you've gotta be a mole to be blind enough to go there.
by PseudoPyjamo April 21, 2009
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often referred to Larry or the mole on Andrews right cheek. The mole can control his temper and make him suicidal. Mole is a word you must say iin awkward s
by abel peralta June 7, 2011
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a.A fugly girl
b. a girl who whores herself to famous people or any one as a matter of fact. Ther can be bikey moles also.
Slinkee minx? there fuking moles!

'Jerry grabbed his bikey mole and rode off into the sunset on his harley.'
by SealyMay January 21, 2005
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A distinct piece of feces pertruding out of a homosapiens rectum and then returning inside the anal cavity. It is related to the animal "Mole" where they stick their heads out of holes and then go back in.
I got a mole in my pants! It might turn into a turtle head soon!
by James "Usually Well Hung" November 7, 2008
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1. Someone who was discovered in the seventh grade to be known forever as mole.

2. Someone who was highly made fun of and terrorized by people at his middle school. Especially people of hispanic descent.

3. Someone who will be friends with anyone who will listen to him rant on for days on end.

4. Someone who goes to a party and acts like a boggart, he also passes out extremely fast do to the fact that he's gay.

5 Someone who can't get a girl and blames all his friends for cock blocking. And when he actually gets laid he brags for years on end.

6. Someone who hangs out with a dumpy.

7. Someone who makes fun of a Calab.
Last night this boggart showed up to the party. Stole everyones weed and fell asleep really fast. Thats a mole for you.

"Hey guys can dumpy come hang out with us." said mole. "Are you kidding us we hate him." said group.

The one kid in your school that has no friends, but is willing to be friends with anyone would be called a mole.

You remember mole when he was in middle school, yeah he was an assface.

by Gayke Daniels February 10, 2009
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A short person with red hair, usually found in the burrows of their beds, and can be at times very violent!
by lil_k February 14, 2011
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