1. The Death of 1,000,000 people in a nuclear explosion

2. A band created by former metallica guitarist dave mustaine , They play harder and faster than MetallicA ... They also stick to what they are good at and didn't sell out like MetallicA.

Megadeth are the best speed metal band ever
by Junglemanchild January 26, 2005
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the best metal band... correction, best band in the universe. lead by Dave Mustaine, megadeth kicks more arse then anyone or anything. Dave was kicked out of metallica, but look at him now, Metallica fucked up bad with St.Anger and Megadeth released probably the best heavy metal/metal album of all time; the system has failed. too bad mustaine got rid of Ellefson and Friedman and Menza, those guys kicked soo much arse, but James Glenn and Shaun still kick arse
Bob: Fuck you Jesus, i found a new religion, its called Megadeth
Jesus: Why, wot do they hav that i dont?
Bob: They play kick arse music, and fucking mad guitar solo's

Megadeth is my religion, and Dave Mustaine is my god!!!
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1.) 1 Million deaths due to Nuclear warfare(really spelled Megadeath)

2.) The greatest Metal band that has ever been created. Kicks Metallica in the teeth in everyway.
1.) Oh god, Megadeth has occured!

by Nick December 13, 2004
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A metal band formed by ex metallica guitarist Dave Mustaine. Mustaine holds a grudge against metallica, one of the main reasons is he is a writer of most of their songs on their first two cds, including the call of ktulu which mustaine remaid into Hanger 18. Metallica titled one of their songs 'Holier then thou'which was a lyric from the song 'Holy wars...the punishment due'from the megadeth album that came out a year before leading fans to believe that this song is directed towards dave. On Megadeths newest album the song Something im not is rumored towards Metallica members. the band was forced to quit when Mustaine suffered a nerve injury in his hand. He turned to christianity and was soon able to play guitar again. ellifson the bassist sued dave for not giving him his share of the money made of megadeth. and lars and Dave still hate each other even after their 'makeup' on the Some kind of monster DVD released by metallica.
Wow megadeth is a million times better then mettallica. some kinda monster what a great song.not.
by Eric J Martin March 20, 2006
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THE greatest metal band in all of history. Single handedly paved the way for thrash and speed metal. Formed in 1984 after Dave Mustaine was kicked out of Metallica, and thank god he was. Formed Megadeth as a rival to Metallica and proved without a doubt why he is the god that he is. Megadeth are the premier speed metal band, incredible solos, mind blowing lyrics and insanely good albums, ever single one of Megadeth's albums pisses all over Metallica. Stayed true to their roots, didn't sell out like Metallica and are still rockin' hard today. Restored my faith in metal and caused me to start my own religion with Mustaine as the chief god - Megadethism aka Mustaineism. Join today!
Megadeth could kick Metallica's ass any day. Just compare the albums to see why.
by Mustaine = God May 2, 2006
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