when someone is angry and cross, they are mardi.
SARAH: miss always gives me detentions and i h8 her, i also hate you cuz you never stick up for me!
SAM: alrite, no need to get in a MARDI!
by emily October 18, 2004
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The handsomest of all men. A sweet, kind, wonderful and pure soul. He is considerate. Generous. The kind of person you want to always keep in your life. He is purely wonderful.
Come meet Mardie. You’ll never meet anyone more pure.
by Hellageller November 7, 2020
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When somebody doesn't offer you a marshmallow, when they have a huge bag on their desk.
Lorna: Is James been mardy today?

Kelly: Not sure, why do you think that?
Lorna: Cos he's had that huge bag on his desk, and not offered me one all day.
by Perfect Princess July 22, 2009
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To be surly. Not getting along with someone. To stop talking because you're annoyed.
Comes from Yorkshire.
by pobba May 9, 2008
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to be angry and lose your temper
don´t have a mardy you moody twat
by tantric nutter June 8, 2009
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A leicester word meaning not very happy and being quite or bitchy.
hard to think of an example.
Arctic monkeys mardy bum.
by vhfhh July 20, 2007
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