A person who is not only exceptionally tall, but extremely skinny as well. Often accompanied by very poor physical co-ordination.
What a lanky fucker that Peter Crouch is.
by DanielBT November 26, 2005
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To be the tallest and thinest legend around. Musically talented and talented in the field of sport and drinking. These people can be the craziest when under the influence of alcohol.. Often assosiated with 2 pink 1 stink!
"That's the lankiest Lank wicketkeeper i have ever fucking seen"-Everone in reply to seeing Lank wicket keep.

"He's so lanky"- Straws
by lank April 23, 2006
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you LANKY fucker...damn that was harsh
by Bommerous Qouous January 7, 2004
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Phlip is a lanky communist and wears clothes like a beaver!!!!!!
by jimmy joe bob jnr April 8, 2003
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1.Very tall and skinny,
2.no muscle,
3.dodgy looking from bein so tall and skinny
Sasha: Man that guy KYLE HEALY is so lanky
Jo Jo: Yeah he better be careful not to hit the powerlines
by Jo Jo!!! November 22, 2005
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A Lanky person is a person with extremly long legs and a small upper torso. Reguarly have no figure. (Curves, etc.)
"Oh my GOD! Look how lanky that girl is!"
"She walks like a hunchback!"
by Fairy :D October 11, 2007
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