It's like cool, but if the person is cute and you wanna have a relationship beyond friends. Low-key way to let on that you like them
Girl: You are kool
Guy: I think you are pretty cool too
Girl: No, you are KOOL
Guy: Oh! Thank you
by Urban Bone Master May 4, 2019
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The short and simple way to say amazingly awesome radly wonderful beautifully prety fantastic
You are very kool.
by Sam just told Sarah September 1, 2008
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Comes form the word cool.But is a newer version.
kelly:Im so happy i just had my nails done today
stacey:oh wow koolness
by khadii February 3, 2008
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When you want to seem cool, so you make the 'c' in cool a 'k'.
by gayoldman June 1, 2019
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It means that you are awesome. Spelling kool with a "c" means that you are cold.
Ex 1: Guy 1: Hey dude Im kool.

Guy 2: Yeah

Ex 2: Guy 1: Hey dude, Im cool.

Guy 2: Yeah.
by lolpwnnoobmanthegoblin January 10, 2010
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word an idiot uses to describe something interesting and/or desirable
it's kool to be a bigot
by notanidiot March 17, 2004
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dude, you got a cool ride! nah yours kool.
by john bosco May 27, 2004
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