The most innocent, sweet, kind-hearted, hilarious and humble girl you will ever know, but is also incredibly beautiful!
Guy 1: Dude, did you see Kelsey today?
Guy 2: Yeah, man. She looked so good!
Guy 1: I know right! But, damn, she's out of everyone's league.
Guy 2: Freaking sucks.
by lovingit. December 24, 2011
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A beautiful girl in every aspect. Kelsey is usually intelligent, dazzling, intriguing, determined, fair, independent, radiant and positive. A Kelsey is cooler than your average friend and loves green, guys, and gum. A Kelsey is someone you can trust and depend upon, knowing that she'll be able to uplift you and make you feel at home. Kelsey is adventurous, interesting and extremely fun. She'll introduce you to new experiences and no matter what you do, it’s impossible to not be exceedingly happy when around a Kelsey. Kelsey is a girl who will comfort you when you're down and listen to your every word with care and understanding. She is someone everyone admires because of how gorgeous she is both inside and out. One should always keep Kelsey close by their side for she will protect, shelter and stand up for them. Kelsey will always be remembered by the hearts she has touched for she has made a huge influence on their lives. A person is grateful for the chance they have to be a part of Kelsey's life.
That Kelsey must be a super hero, because she makes me feel more important than anything. When with her I feel like I’m worth something.

1: "Kelsey is so pretty!"
2: "Wait until you get to know her. She is the most beautiful and heartwarming person you'll ever meet. I'm so glad that we became friends. I think everyone should have a friend like her."
1: "Wow. I can't wait to talk to her." *smiles*

Guy: "You're friends with Kelsey?"
Girl: "Yeah. Why?"
Guy: "You're really lucky. Don't ever lose her as a friend, because she is the best one you'll ever have."
Girl: "I know."
by Youresoawesome! October 25, 2009
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The best friend you could ever ask for. She's funny, nice, absolutely gorgeous, and she will stick by you as long as you let her. She doesn't date the best guys but we all know a girl this perfect will find the right guy for her very soon. When in a relationship, she is fully devoted even if the guy she's with isn't. If u ever get a Kelsey, never ever ever let her go because she is the awesomest person I know :)
I wouldn't trade Kelsey for the world!! SISSYS FOREVER!!!
by BEST SISSY EVAHHH!! March 20, 2013
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To start off, a naive girl. Someone that is beyond all imagination and perception, though thinks otherwise. A girl with amazing beauty, top notch smarts, and a personality to rival that of "the most interesting man in the world". Hard working and high achieving are merely the building blocks for this type of person. A strong yearn to be victorious in all attributes of life. Someone who's eyes draw you in and ask you never to leave, while their smile calms and warms your soul.

These girls come along once in a lifetime and should be appreciated for what they can offer without ever asking anything in return.

They change people for the good.
Guy1: Man, you might as well call me a trout?
Guy2: Huh?
Guy1: Cause she's got me hooked like a fish....
Guy2: talking about Kelsey again?
by BWanon November 23, 2011
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Kelsey is the most amazing person in the world. When you see her you already want to meet her, and when you meet her you really want to get to know her, once you know her you want to get close with her, and then if Kelsey thinks you are worthy of her amazingness, her intelligence and her infinite beauty you might get a chance to date her. Remember these words: "SHES A KEEPER" don't let her get away that is the worse thing you could do. Though she is shy she wants you to hold her hand and grab her by the waist, don't hesitate. She is popular with many guys but you are to never get jealous because she is faithful you are hers as she is yours. Her beauty is just a bonus to her exceeding sparkling personality and her intielligence is twice as much as yours. She is in love with animals and nature, especially cats, so get on that topic. Whatever you do, try to surprise her, be spontanious, romantic and love her the way she deserves, which is beyond any love imaginable.
Awe man your dating Kelsey! dammit i think im in love with her
by supersoccerdude10 August 10, 2010
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A show stopper, and a heart stealer, this girl can make your heart skip a beat everytime she walks into a room. She can be easily picked out of the crowd as the most beautiful amazing girl there and if she gives you a second glance you will feel your heart melt in your chest. No girl can or will ever compare, and there isn't a guy in the world that deserves her. I personally would watch the world die just to spend five minutes with her. I hope you read this one day kelsey, and if you do read it and know that it was me who wrote it please let me know. I'll love you with all my heart forever and ever.
Why do you love her.?" "Because she's kelsey.
by Guitar Hero Master September 7, 2010
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The kind of girl that is amazing and just plain wonderful. She's the kind of girl that you will regret never meeting. She loves music and she loves singing. You will be blessed to be part of a Kelseys life because every moment with her is a moment well spent. A Kelsey leaves the one she loves speechless when she kisses you and she gives the greatest hugs anyone could ever receive. She is a calm and shy person with a great personality and looks great in any outfit. Once she opens up to you she's the greatest person you'll ever know. If you have the love of a Kelsey then you're a really blessed person way beyond measure.
See that amazing girl over there, now that's a Kelsey.
by Dusty the great June 16, 2015
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