A Kaydence is a really sweet girl she can be a bad bitch sometimes but she will love you no matter what
“Hey have you met Kaydence”

“No is she new
“Not for long
by Emma2347282 November 25, 2020
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beautiful. amazing. just the best to talk to. i love her
by carson.ccc September 10, 2020
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Kaydence is a very funny,smart,and independent girl.She always will be there for you if your in her life. Kaydence is always trying to make the best of things. And she tries to do everything at once even with her own problems. If you have a Kaydence I your life I wouldn't loose her she is always there for you and loves you. You are super lucky if you have her in you life.
"I need to find my self a new friend"
"Then go find yourself a Kaydence!"
by ~Brimtz~ March 13, 2022
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Kaydence is a very creative person!Even though kaydence is creative she is very closed off and is only friends with a few people.
Kaydence you are my bestie 4liferzzz!
by clara.r.rat July 21, 2021
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Kaydence is a wonderful, sweet, and caring girl. Even though she can be a Bitch sometimes. She also very smart. She can always get her way no matter what. She has a small group with 3-4 close friends and a wonderful loving boyfriend. She loves to play basketball for fun! Kaydence is very pretty (at times). She can also be very ugly when she chooses to be.
Person: “wow, she is very smart. she must be a Kaydence”
by Brabrababy1543 November 17, 2020
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An awesome friend how loves and cares for you she will always look out for you and will never let you down.Very pretty girl and will never ever turn on you,shes always getting a laugh out of you.No matter how she feels she will always be there for you whenever you need her.She’s the mom of the group even if she’s the youngest and will make sure you are all glued together.
If you have a kaydence do not let her go<3
by November 22, 2021
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Kaydence is a great friend that most people fear but I never understood why and also she is an amazing person to be with.
This person is a real Kaydence
by Gojumpoffabridge September 13, 2019
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