People born on January 12th are hot 😘❤️
Person 1: Wow!!! Is that Winter? She’s so hot… 😅
Person 2: Yes!! I heard she was born on January 12! 😚😚
Person 1: Oh, that explains it. 😍😍
by EmmaCloudii April 18, 2022
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Bully all the tall people around you. If they are taller than you BULLY THEM.
“Hey Roger today’s January 12th aka bully tall people day
R:”oh great....”
by Alisesna January 12, 2021
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People born on January 12 are the prettiest most out going people in the world. If you are lucky enough to have you she is a keeper. The only bad thing is that there suck at dogeball!
You suck at dogeball because you were born on January 12 th
by Caden d January 15, 2020
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Everyone born on this day is very annoying and loud.
Wow she’s born january 12th she’s so annoying!
by Ruby V October 22, 2019
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Hey guess what today is?

January 12?

Yeah but what else?

I don't know?

National ask out ur crush.
by Wolfzzz November 8, 2019
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january 12 is national give your absolute best girl bsf your hoodie day 🤍
boy: who's that pretty girl ?

other boy: that's my girl bsf
boy: oh you better give her your

other boy: oh right!! it's january 12!!
by short mushroom January 1, 2020
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the day that owns all days- national ninja parade day. little known and rarely seen beacause theyre ninjas... and are very secretive about theyre going ons. but if you're a ninja, or have read this, you now know.
christine- "hey i need plans for january 12th. any ideas?"
kayla- "well i mean theres something, but you have to be a skilled japanese warrior with very exceptional hide and go seek skills... ninja parade"
christine- "well then i'm left plan-less"
kayla- "well i'm sure not!"
by darth vader <3 August 25, 2009
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