A phrase most teenies/preps/popular bitches use in expression of ''I can't believe it either''
''OMG can you believe Jessica?''

''I know right! What a slut!''
by DizzyLizzy February 15, 2007
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Derivative of infamous Mean Girls quote, frequently used in parody of this film to indicate a mutual understanding.
Person 1| "That Katie girl is a right tramp"
Person 2| "I know, right?"
by creamcream May 16, 2006
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usually followed by "yeah, uh-huh!"
and then, if desired "that's hilarious!"
then this proceeds in repetition of the three phrase cycle until one person or the other is sick of the cycle.

usually spoken in agreement to a previous statement.

could also be in ditto form.
"this coffee is bogus."
"i know, right?"
"yeah, uh-huh!"
("that's hilarious!")
"i know, right?"

"i totally flunked that test."
i know, right?"
"yeah, uh-huh!"
("that's hilarious!")
"i know, right?"

"we have to stop talking like that."
"i know, right?"
"yeah, uh-huh!"
("that's.. not hilarious!")
"i know, right?"
by awkwardsentence November 12, 2009
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A familiar simultaneous agreement to confirm an unsaid /said truth. A verbal affirmation to a mutual thought experienced by 2 people.
The origins date back to 2009 when Snookie from Jersey Shore caught her bestie in a lie and responded to JWow’s comment “Ryder is Biatch!”by saying . . . "I know, Right?!”
by STL Suzanne February 17, 2012
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expression of corroboration
much cooler than "i told you so" or "yes"
Jon: Your fashion sense is so versatile!
Kayla: I know, right?
by jl121812 September 12, 2008
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It is what people of Hispanic descent say when they are in agreement with something that was said.... usually with an accent.
Quote from Pineapple Express:

Seth Rogen: *in his car singing ELECTRIC AVENUE*

Hispanic guys: *also singing it pull up next to him*

Seth Rogen: Hey Electric Avenue!!

Hispanic guy 1: ay no, RIIIIIIGHT?!!!!! (I KNOW RIGHT!?)
Take that shit to the next level, eh?

Seth Rogen: Ok... I will! :)

Hispanic guy 1: Orale.... *to hispanic guy 2* es pinche fresa (he is a fruit---a strawberry...)
by RENZthe July 22, 2010
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Indicates a deep understanding of the subject at hand.
Jerry: "Why do people say price point, it's the price you don't need the point!"

Mary: "I know, right?"
by shedazzle November 20, 2012
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