Short for "Green the fuck up." This term is often used in Socom.

Also see Green up.
GTF^ and let's get this game started.
by April 5, 2005
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Gym, Tanning, Fucking.

(fucking is alot better then doing the laundry)
Yo today me and my homie-G Alfanzo are gonna go GTF, brah. u should really hit the shit with us.
by suburbangangsta (O:)> March 19, 2010
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Andre: "What's the name of that guy from the movie with the minions?"
Keira: " I don't know; GTFS"
Andre: "What?"
Keira: "Google That Fucking Shit"
by krazzed December 19, 2014
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Phrase used in internet slang (by people who cba to type), usually meaning "get to fuck"
Timothy: I say, show us a picture of your mother's breasts
Boab: GTF
by Blawbag December 15, 2003
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Abbreviation of Get The Fuck. To dissagree with what is being said, as in get the fuck outta here.
Man1. That chicks well hot.
Man2. GTF shes one hell of a mush bird.
by smil prek December 3, 2006
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An acronym for 'Got to Fap'. It is often used when referring to nonsense and situations when you wouldn't usually fap. Appropriate for either gender.
Oh, hey, I'm going to my Dad's. Gimme five minutes. GTF.
by TenaciousJizz May 28, 2011
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In Sydney Australia, GTF means graffiti task force. Generally they are assholes in groups of 3 or more who search your bag at train stations and the other places.

Tend to single out lads but will fuck with pretty much anyone. Your best bet is to leg it as soon as you see them.
GTF faggot- "Hey, that guy there looks suspiciously like he is waiting for a train...GET HIM"

Guy- "Shit" *runs*
by KLEP2 March 6, 2007
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