Very damn smart and sarcastic just know he's perfect
What a Francisco isn't he charming
by Frank$-$ November 19, 2016
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A Francisco is usually a really attractive Hispanic guy. You get fuckboy vibes at first but he is actually really sweet and treats his girlfriends like princesses. Francisco's are NOT attracted to other Hispanic girls and usually dates white girls. Give your Francisco some pacience. Sometimes Fransiscos can act like dumbasses but they have a great smile.
Dude Francisco is such a fuckboy!" "Nah, he treats girls too well"
by Nique..nique July 27, 2016
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Often a really good looking boy with a dark sense of humour, he is a caring friend but sometimes can’t take jokes seriously. He likes girls that are shorter then him and he’s a gay attraction;)
Person 1: woah!! Look at that sexy man!!
Person 2: yeah!! He’s such a Francisco
by Shork127 October 5, 2018
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A Francisco is the king of San Francisco. People will travel across the world just to go to California and worship the Francisco. A Francisco is an amazing soccer player. A Francisco likes to say the lamest jokes but somehow they're always funny. A Francisco can also be a dumb ass at times.
Ohh, look at that Espanol guy! He so lame but he's good at soccer. He must be a Francisco.
by bow-chica-wow-wow July 3, 2010
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loves the mikayel myers jokes that his girl yanet tells him and has a big shlong <3 and this is his girl right now ➡️ 🤰🏽anyways hi franny😉
francisco has a pretty girlfriend and cute kids😍
by franciscoslittledevil March 27, 2021
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Francisco also known as Frank is a typical, local, calm and weird Mexcian guy, he's random when you first meet him, probably introduced by his friends afterwards. He can agree or disagree on points a certain person will make by saying Yuh or No. He's not gay but his friends think he can be and that perfect match is with anyone by letter M, he's into a lot of things like DBZ and Beans, he also has a nickname, cut the cisco out his name and that's what you get. Always known for wearing white sweaters and owning a PlayStation 4, you two could become friends in a second but make that first impression. If you make him things, he'll appreciate you more and calls you by your Instagram username instead of your real name but when the time comes, he'll use it and probably get it right. He's an active dude and always supports his friends. (Now, I'm not sure if this is right but-) When in a relationship, he'll tell you all about the amazing things he likes or where he would like to go, what favourite DBZ he stans and probably will get to know you more closely and what you like. And he goes... YEEEEEEEEERD
Girl 1: Have you seen Francisco? He's really rocking his white sweater today!
Girl 2: He's pretty cool in it, basically can decorate it with paint or markers if he'd want.
Girl 1: Or beans, since he loves those.

Girl 2: That too, I guess.
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