most homo person you can meet
guy: damn francesco is lookin like a snack
francesco: u down to fuck?
guy: hell yea
by peniscockbitch November 7, 2019
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italian formed name.
usually know to cheat on girlfriends.
but could never get anyone to begin with.
francesco is a cheating liar.
by rftgesrfdft August 11, 2006
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An asshole who does not care about people's feelings. He will act tough and shit but get all nice in front of you. He's literally a crybaby and claims that he is black
Person 1: Like he just does too much!

Person 2: Oh we all know who that is! *rolls eyes*

Everybody except him and his so-called friends: FRANCESCO!

And he just laughs like that shit is funny!
by tillersfav_ May 24, 2018
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ie. Totty ie a hot chick

Named after Italian Soccer Player Franceco Totti
- Phroaw, that's a nice bit of Francesco

- Dave "Oh, we went to Something Nightclub last night"
Steve "Cool, was there much Francesco?"
by MarkB1982 October 10, 2005
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A fool, someone with a bad dress sense, someone who cannot play tennis
'you are such a francesco' indicating someone is somewhat idiotic.
'you play like francesco' stating someone plays appallingly at sports e.g tennis and football
by Mr practical May 15, 2011
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Francesco love your feet
Francesco: send me your left foot or die
by Coolcow30 November 21, 2021
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He's a relatively chill guy but can have fits of autism from time to time. his body type is chunky peanut butter and athletic.
Retard 1- Did you hear about Francesco
Retard 2- No
Retard 1- He tried to do an M in Matthew joke but failed autistically
Retard 2- Shit, but don't diss him too hard he is chill
by A$$H0L3 May 21, 2018
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