the single greatest battle cry in existance. Every time it is heard it brings an un-conditional tear to one's eye. It was spoken by leonidas prior to kicking a messanger in the chest in order to send him sprawling into a well.
1-"This is madness..."
2-"Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!"
2-*proceed to kick into huge and conveniently placed well*
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1. An ancient city. Spartans were well known for their brutal fighting. It was the dominant military power of Greece until 371 BC, after their defeat in the "Battle of Leuctra."

2. An internet meme originating from the movie "300." It is simply a scene where King Leonidas kicks a Persian messenger in the chest, falling down a giant hole.
1. I have to do a report on Sparta.

2. This! Is! SPARTA!
by brayofden February 6, 2010
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Verb - To kick with great strength, power, or force, ending the kick with the leg straight and out ; To kick a person in the chest with great force, yelling "This is Sparta!"
"... someone must have Sparta-ed the door down."
by Ace of Trades February 15, 2008
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A phrase used to indicate that you do not follow the subject of the current conversation.

Optional add-on phrase: I am lost.
C does not watch football.

A: Did you see the game last night?
B: Yeah, it was awesome!
C: This is not Sparta. I am lost.
by AA TTrue GGamer June 28, 2009
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Sparta is the unambiguous answer to any "what" question. E.g., "What is two plus two?" "Sparta", "What does that road sign up ahead say?" "Sparta", "What's the quickest way to get to Greece?" "Sparta", etc. In a strictly literal sense, Sparta is the embodiment of all that is epic in the world fused with the awesomeness of Chuck Norris if he were to have a kid with King Leonidas.
Person A, pointing at Bonzai tree: "What is this?"
Person B, picking up Bonzai tree: "This is Sparta."
by FatManMGS2 December 6, 2007
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what this is
the opposite of "madness"
Persian Dude:...This is madness
Buff Dude with an accent: THIS IS SPARTA!
by MAZER86 February 22, 2008
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