Filly is a caring, loving, and loyal person. He knows how to make your day with one sentence, and could cheer you up in a heart beat. You'll never really know how amazing Filly is unless you talk to him. Many people have made the mistake of not talking to him, and they truly do not know to what extent how amazing he is. Filly is quiet, and collected. However, if you're his girlfriend, you lucky thing, you'd know just how funny and out-going he can be. You can talk to Filly about anything, he does not judge and loves you no matter what. He'll always be there for you, because that's in his nature to. He could never be mean without a reason, and even when he is mean, he's almost never harsh with his words. He's a peaceful man, but he loves guns.

He's a very humble man, and would never admit to being all these great things. He's perfect. He's the perfect boyfriend, the perfect husband, best friend, anything. He's adorable in every way but very manly. He's a very well balanaced man. His looks equal his personality. He's absolutely handsome, but again, he will never admit to it, because although being very perfect, he is one stubborn man
Filly is one sexy ass nigga
by By Melanie February 12, 2013 November 11, 2020
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Slang term for a filter paper.
A man was smoking and kept getting ash in his mouth so next time he rolled he used a filly.
by Marbarian May 26, 2005
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Basically Silly but replaced with an F which is cooler
by Fammel February 25, 2022
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Filly is an amazing girl. She is ready for anything in a relationship and will most likely hook up with your ex boyfriend with your consent of course. She has an exiting personality and is always up for anything. Be carful of her feelings because she tends to be a bit emotional but can easily push her feelings away to help others, just be cautious of her feelings. she is very caring and is very helpful even if she doesn't know how to help she finds a way to. Don't turn down anything filly says because she will end up getting her way anyways. She is a loyal girlfriend and will do anything to keep the relationship going. I would be so lucky to have a filly in my life.
by french fries are life May 27, 2021
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Filly is a caring, loving, and loyal person. He knows how to make your day with one sentence, and could cheer you up in a heart beat. You'll never really know how amazing Filly is unless you talk to him. Many people have made the mistake of not talking to him, and they truly do not know to what extent how amazing he is. Filly is quiet, and collected. However, if you're his girlfriend, you lucky thing, you'd know just how funny and out-going he can be. You can talk to Filly about anything, he does not judge and loves you no matter what. He'll always be there for you, because that's in his nature to. He could never be mean without a reason, and even when he is mean, he's almost never harsh with his words. He's a peaceful man, but he loves guns.

He's a very humble man, and would never admit to being all these great things. He's perfect. He's the perfect boyfriend, the perfect husband, best friend, anything. He's adorable in every way but very manly. He's a very well balanaced man. His looks equal his personality. He's absolutely handsome, but again, he will never admit to it, because although being very perfect, he is one stubborn man!
Filly is one sexy ass fella that loves guns
by By Melanie February 12, 2013 November 11, 2020
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A musical term, where you fill in a section with improv.,
After the hook, give some sax filly.
by KSNike March 17, 2011
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A horrible ship name that made finn and that hoe not be friends anymore shame on the fillie shippers
Oh she’s shipping fillie again .(grabs a gun ) pulls trigger boom
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