for gods sake

the nicer version of ffs
fgs why didn't you help me.
by Quazzy July 23, 2004
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Abbreviation for "for gods sake" (also spelled as "forgodsakes"), used to exemplify exasperation. A common variant of this phrase is "for fuck's sake" or "ffs".
You blew up the cat AGAIN?! This is the fifth time fgs!!!
by bitposs March 19, 2017
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"Get a girlfriend FGS, stop wanking your meat everyday."
by ShuNAm March 1, 2016
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First Girlfriend Syndrome

A condition induced by a man's (or boy's) first girlfriend. Characterized by excessive PDA, constant giggling and tickling, loss of priorities and individuality/manhood, distancing from friends, and general increase in bitchness. Known to upset the "Bros before Hoes" mantra of guy code.
Yo, invite Ted and Luke over, let's get bombed!

Nah dude, they came down with FGS, remember?

Oh right, I forgot they're bitch-made now. Fucking FGS.
by MichaelScarn69 July 21, 2011
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Fat girl, could say field goal, foxy grand ma, ect. Used by guys to keep the fattys from knowing what they are talking about.
Kyle: Dude check out them Fgs, Ronnie, they comming for you.
Ronnie: Shit man, i hate them fruity gnomes.
by Seagraves February 15, 2007
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Fg literally means "Friendly girl", it can be used in a variety of situations where one may want to talk about a girl but without actually referring to her directly, so the term fg may be used. Fg also has a double meaning now this cant be defined for it is for you to discover... the antonym (opposite) of an fg is called a "ufg" which means un-friendly girl (this has a double meaning as well)
Example 1

Guy 1: Woah! That girl over there is an fg!

Guy 2: Yeah man! Can't lie!


Guy 1: Do you think that girl is an fg?

Guy 2: Well sorta... Could be better

Example 2

Guy 1: Awww wtf?! That girl over there is a ufg!

Guy 2: I know man, she disgusts me!


Guy 1: Is that girl over there an fg?

Guy 2: Nah! Shes more like a ufg.
by AceW3RM November 16, 2011
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