Ellis is a beautiful girl, usually brown haired and blue eyed, she is the truly best person u have ever met, she makes such a difference in people’s lives even if some people don’t see it. She is sooo kind and pretty and most boys like her she just dosent know it. She is secretly insecure but no one knows because she cares about other people more than herself and own problems. All she wants to do is make a difference and people see it but she doesn’t know it. U should DEFINITELY be friends with her. She might be rude to some but only because they are rude to her first and she dosent deal with crap.
Ellisis the best! I wanna be like Ellis!
by anon34589 March 18, 2018
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He is a cute, crazy smart introvert, who is very self conscious and depressing. He is very smart and kind, and he is so fun to be around alone. Ellis listens and responds the kind truth that he speaks.

Usually has no girlfriends, but when he does he loves her above everything in the world.
There goes Ellis, he's so cute, but why does he look lonely all the time? Such a loser.
by HKaisr25 February 16, 2022
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An amazing person with the best personality and awe-expiring sense of humour. An Ellis is always a pleasure to be around too whether you're in a good or bad mood. People who hate him are always jealous, and anyone would be lucky to know him. An Ellis is also a girl magnet - all the girls (and some guys) would die for him. An Ellis is also always generous and kind and could never hold a grudge against anyone and is always chill towards everyone.
Everyone needs an Ellis in their life
by AnonymousPojke December 6, 2019
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A standup guy that is always there for people when they need him.
Bit of a god on ps4
Phil: I’m not sure about what to do bout my girl
Ope: Go ask Ellis he’ll know what to do
by PS4_BETTER October 31, 2018
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A very very hot man with man girlfriends. He is nice aswell.
That guy is an Ellis.
by bobmarley332 January 18, 2019
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Ellis is a clever, bright and generally great young man. He will be your best friend so keep in touch for all your life. Ask him out as soon as possible so he is your boyfriend and he will be for all your life because he's loyal. He is as honest as good as you are reading. You can tell him absolutely anything and he will tell no one. Ask him anything and the is no need to get embarrassed. If you know one ask him before he's taken or if he is prove your better than his current girlfriend.8
Ellis just cheered my day up to the max.
by AnonymousPojke July 19, 2018
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Handsome, Smart, Sexy and Hella Cute.
Ellis is hella cute.
by 6492639 January 25, 2019
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