Terrible; the absolute worst; horrible
"They said the movie was going to be good, it was drump!"
by C.B.B.B.J February 13, 2017
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Word said by a drunk person. Instead of saying I'm drunk they slurred and said "i'm DRUMP"
See Also: drunk, hammered, sloshed, shit-faced, tanked, blitzed, bombed, wrecked, drunkened, loose, tipsy, well-done, trashed, jagged up, canned, smashed, fucked-up, intoxicated, inebriated, aniahalated, laced, (etc.)

Liz: Yo Al I'm soo drump right now, I can't do another shot..
by AFS September 18, 2006
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The act of typing as if you were intoxicated, before you actually start drinking.
Wow, I am totes drump right now, I can't spell to save my life.
by Chitina October 18, 2011
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The act of listening to house of pain's "Jump Around" while participating in the act of beer drinking.
OMG we're drunping around to house of pain and it's really hard to not spew while drumping up and down!
by Paulicious September 14, 2008
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when you sit on the toilet and the whole dump drops at once and it makes that "drump" sound.

Sometimes when your rushing a drump, It can be an accidental side effect.
Can also be referred to as "Taking a drump. I'll be right back!"
by drump'n it up January 19, 2011
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dry and lumpy in reference to your lips after smoking pot.
"yo son, my lips are mad drump."
by khalida-san May 22, 2005
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A common contraction consisting of the words dump and Trump. A battlecry throughout the world to remove the current American president from office.
I believe it would be better for everyone if the U.S. would just drump.
by RandolphT February 24, 2017
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