1) a small dagger of Scottish origin
2) name of the main character in the video game "Dragon's Lair", short for "Dirk the Daring"
Dirk the Daring killed someone with a dirk.
by eatsdoodoo May 3, 2004
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The process of buying and consuming alcohol from an off-licensed vendor.

The word "Dirk" originates from being the forename of a footballing legend whose surname carries remarkable similarities with the term "carry-out".
"Anyone fancy a Dirk in the shed tonight?"
by GLEN123 August 22, 2009
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In great physical shape. pronounced 'durk'
have you been working out? you look really dirk.
by J.Po November 29, 2006
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Milder form of saying dick. Used as a code word in places where recognizable profane words are unacceptable such as a work place.
Hey girl, did you meet the new guy yet? He was being such a dirk! He won't last long around here once the boss finds out...
by Spaghetti Yhetti February 16, 2016
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To be utterly and totally owned by someone who is obscenely massive and uncoordinated looking. Comes from the German NBA player and current NBA champion as of 2011 Dirk Nowitzki.
"And Dirk sinks the three point shot, you just got DIRKED Miami"
by NBAfan69 December 13, 2011
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Someone is both a dick and a jerk.
God Brandon, you're such a DIRK!
by HorseCorpse November 6, 2011
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Dirk is a word used to describe cocky and egotistical South Africans.

Dirks often watch "Howtobeast" on YouTube, and they commonly cross the fine line between confidence and arrogance - they become very arrogant while believing they are just confident.

It is common for Dirks to always have their feet sticking up in the air, and they are very sensitive about their egos. If at any time their ego is bruised, they resort to aggression to assert their dominance and heal their damaged ego.
Jeremy: "Look at that cocky bloke with his foot in the air!"
Liam: "His name must be Dirk!"


Jeremy: "Look at that man yelling dominantly!"
Liam: "He must be trying to repair his bruised ego, he must be a Dirk!"
by pilot6890 May 27, 2018
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