The name given to one who fingers the female genitalia.
Did you here Jim fingered Sally?

Yeah Diddles is at it again.
by Mike Huntson March 26, 2010
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The rebounding of a drumstick so that two notes are played in succession, usually at the same dynamic, to generate a faster way of playing strokes.
You can't play a drum roll without knowing how to diddle.
by r0x0rw00t June 20, 2005
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A gathering of people named Dylan.
"Man, there sure are a lot of people here."

"Yeah, it's a diddle convention; Dylans as far as they eye can see."
by Milisaracine July 19, 2020
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verb; the act of "slipping" ones fingers into the damp and dark inners of a females reproductive organ.
maaaaaaan, i slipped a diddle!" or "it would be rude not to, slip a diddle."
by nosecandy69 May 1, 2011
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The act of public mastrubation whilst wearing a paper bag with a frowny face adorned over it.
"Oh god, did you see that sicko diddling himself in the street?!"
by Epic Man Dougal September 25, 2018
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diddle means to shake around your penis around with other men
usually done in circles with several men some of which are tall with short dicks
that would be known as a diddles
Jim:you wanna have diddles
Billy:Hell yeah man! I just came out of my domestic partnership with Joe
Joe:if your having diddles you better include me
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1. Australasian slang for the phallus, often used by small children before they learn more inappropriate pseudonyms for "penis".

2. A word commonly used instead sex.

3. A word used to describe a lack of activity.

4. A word used to describe someone being defeated in any manner.
1. "Wow, that Jared boy has a tremendous diddle!"

2. "Fuck me, i'd love to diddle Susan tonight."

3. The boys diddled about instead of going to class.

4. "Dude, i hear you got diddled in Tae-kwon-do on Saturday!"
by the godsmith May 23, 2008
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