A person with red or reddish-brown hair who does not possess the lily-white skin or excessive freckles of normal redheads.

They possess all of the strengths of redheads and none of their weaknesses.

Taken from the comic/movie Blade.
Example 1
Girl 1: But I thought he was a Ginger?
Girl 2: Nah, he's a Daywalker

Example 2
Person 1: Don't you need sunscreen?
Person 2: It's ok, I'm a Daywalker
by Hadyn June 15, 2006
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a person with red hair, not a ginger because, they do not have freckles or pale skin.
Dude! Did you just see that daywalker. Her hair is on fire!
by lightttsaberrr January 28, 2010
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Someone with red/ish hair but no freckles or pale skin. The only redheads who can stand sunlight.
- Dude, he's a redhead but his skin doesn't burn when exposed to the sun, wtf?

-I know, he's a daywalker!
by Philippe Lavoie June 5, 2007
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A daywalker is anyone with red hair that does not have freckles anywhere on their face. They are basically harmless because they are not full ginger. They are given the ability to walk during the day in sunlight, medical studies say that daywalkers are proven to have traces of a soul.
Guy 1: When i was at the park, i saw a daywalker.
Guy 2: Really, thats amazing!
Guy 1: At first i though it was a ginger and screamed, then i realized it had no freckles.
Guy 2: Wow, scary stuff! Thats why i always carry around Holy water, or ginger repellent!
Guy 2:Smart idea! I gotta get me some of that, just to be safe!
by Daywalker 123 November 12, 2010
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Blade, a half vampire half human that is immune to many of the downsides of vampirism. Mainly daylight, silver, and garlic. Daylight being the obvious reasoning for this name.
See the movie "Blade" and/or "Blade 2"
by JR March 22, 2004
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A ginger who can, on a day to day basis, walk around outside without worrying about getting sunburned.
Person 1: "Dude, I saw a Daywalker on the way to the 7-11!"

Person 2: "Oh my God! Did you take pictures?"
by Hide_N'_Go_F***_Yourself June 30, 2010
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A half ginger, someone who has red hair, but no pale skin or freckles. like vampires, both the ginger and daywalker genes are curses and all three have no souls
1:Why didn't you ask her out?
2:Dude, she's a friggin' daywalker!
by .Faraaz. December 3, 2005
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