Using Corn on the cob as sexual toy on girl, then after her climax, he eats it.
that girl is down for some good Cobbing!
by Cobber for life March 18, 2011
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A slang word to define a stiff penis, referencing a cob of corn
Joel: bro Ever since I sucked that girls tits I’ve had a throbbing cob dude!
Landon: yeah dog I can see it, that shits about to rip your pants!
boner hard-on stiffy
by Joelyrolleypolleyolley January 17, 2018
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The cardboard tube at the center of the toilet paper roll. The word is possibly derived from the folk custom of wiping one's ass on corn husks or corn cobs, though it is uncommon to perform this operation with a cardboard cob.
My kid needed cardboard tubes for her school craft project, so we used the cobs from our toilet paper rolls.
by Mr. Weebitzy December 8, 2013
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To get cobbed is to be smooth talked into having a penis inserted into you anus as its a good idea, only to realize when it's in your actually getting shafted by the man.
Damn eBay just cobbed the hell out of me, with there price increase.
by Captain Spanky July 20, 2006
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A shortened version of the metal band "Children Of Bodom".
I bought a new COB shirt.
by Sezril February 21, 2004
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A roll of Toilet Paper.

Based on story of humans wiping with a corn cob, minus the kernels of course. May have originated in the deep south or on a rez near you.
I'm going to the store to get some cobs!

I need a cob.
by Spud__666 January 16, 2011
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1950-70's word for dibs
Man 1: Cobs on the last slice of pie!
Man 2: What?
Man 1: Cobs! It means I claim that slice of pie.
Man 2: Dude, who uses that word anymore?!
by Deeshceel September 11, 2008
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