Farted and following through with chunks.
Also known as Chutney Thunder.
Too late for a loo, my undercarriage just felt chocolate thunder
by Purgatory May 20, 2003
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A particularly vicious, watery poo, typically discernable by large amounts of splatter and a strong feeling of shame after you wipe your ass
That guy just jumped into a fucking woodchipper! Now he looks just like the chocolate thunder I unleashed last night!
by Reggiedownthestreet August 10, 2021
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The act of getting a blow job with a chocolate condom on and then proceeding to hot and sweaty anal sex.
"Mathew chocolate thundered the shit out of that bitch last night."
by Chocolate Man 26 January 5, 2009
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Also known as "Choc Thunda." A name found in the cell phone directory of Lindsay Linderson. Was called, answering machine was received, deathmatch was proposed.
Damn, I just challenged Choc Thunda to a deathmatch!
by Cackfeeler May 22, 2004
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an African American who is very dark and smelly.they're extremely fat, but have jungle fever and like white girls.they like red bull.so stay away from them.
"oh shit here comes chocolate thunder!"
by rosemary. February 6, 2008
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Same as brown shower. Defecating on a sex partner.
He gave his boyfriend a chocolate thunder.
by Stan B. January 16, 2003
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