A ridiculous Norwegian "joke" that makes no sense. Apparently some people from a certain place in Norway pronounce the ice cream "båt-is" as "baot-is".
Person 1: Did you hear about the new meme on Artige?
Person 2: Yeah, the "baot-is"-joke is ridiculous.
Person 1: Agreed.
by Personwithcommonsense December 25, 2011
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A type of best Norwegian icecream that has the shape of a loaded boat. Its proper name is båt-is. Western Norwegians (just like Faroese and icelanders in the farther west) normally pronounce the letter 'å' as 'ao', while in standard Norwegian it is like a simple 'o' in 'rock'.
svenske baot-is'er innholdar dritt.
by derpnoob February 25, 2012
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Norwegian ice cream thing in a sort of boat shaped cone.
Eg skal ha ein baot-is.
by derpert December 25, 2011
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A norwegian slang for the ice-cream "Båt-is" which means "Boat-icecream".

Made famous by www.artige.no
"Wow, that was a delicious baot-is we ate earlier!"
by layz0 December 26, 2011
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A baot-is is a norwegian ice-cream made by the norwegian ice-cream factories Hennig Olsen and Diplom. It is shaped like a boat, and have become a very popular meme on the norwegian humor-website artige.no.

Must NEVER be confused with the swedish glass-båt!
-Eg skal ha ein baot-is
-Is it a boat?! Is it an ice-cream?! No! It's baot-is!
-You wanna come back to my place and... You know... Eat some baot-is?
by Rashidhamin December 25, 2011
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BAOTS - Be Aware Of The Scammers

... is an abbreviation and or acronym used by cryptocurrency fanatics, fans, and DeFi users who have frequently made uncanny and clever observations, that sometimes the sacrificial lamb is one's own kind, when it comes to phishing links and scammers that target their foe through Direct Messages sent via Telegram or Discord Channels, or generally baiting their foe online.

It is important to BOATS when dealing with anything online, especially when being part of large online cryptocurrency communities that are subject to being targeted by villainous evil bot scams & spam.

Consider online communities, open targets to things like, active daily email spam, except you're in the wide open savanna on a safari, and the tigers are people, and they know you have money... So yea...
BAOTS - Be Aware Of The Scammers. & just... don't be silly...

BAOTS & NRDM = You Will Be Fine ( YWBF )

The sacrifices of these sacrificial lambs, has resulted in the social phenomena & The Distribution of Clever Abbreviations (DCAs or DoCAs) to help remember that, one should always be weary of suspicious Direct Messages that are sent to us online, especially when they are shrouded in the veil of unparalleled kindness or desires to be helpful, followed by a very odd link that should have otherwise screamed "NOOOO - Don't Click Me!!
Person 1: Hey guys! I JUST GOT THIS AMAZING OFFER! Someone sent me this link to this amazing website and said that I just need to connect my wallet and they'll send me 5000 Ethereum!! I should have it by dinner time!

Muse: Dude, hasn't anyone ever told you to NRDM...

Person 1: NRDM?

Muse: Yes, Never Reply Direct Messages... Duh.

Person 1: But... But...

Oh... F***

Muse: Yea... You really should always BAOTS

Person 1: Really...? Another one...?

Muse: Another what... don't tell me you just clicked another one.

Person 1: No man, another Acronym that I don't understand...

Muse: Oh, you mean Be Aware of the Scammers...?

Person 1: damnit man... why didn't anyone warn be before...?

Entire Community: We did - every day, 50 times, and we dedicated a whole channel to a disclaimer and warning that says "DONT REPLY TO DIRECT MESSAGES (NRDM) because they're scams & bots.

Besides, its kind of your job to be careful & BAOTS - Be Aware Of The Scammers

+ Don't Trust Strangers Online (DTSO)
by Martin Horowitz April 30, 2022
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