Bitch Face Nancy: A person who is being an ass, annoying, or a bitch.
Stop picking on my younger brother you BFN!
by unfrickenbaleebabble October 28, 2013
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Abbreviation for Bro Fuck Night. A night during which a bro only gathering takes place, involving wiffle ball, drinking olympics, and other general tom-foolery.
Don't tell Gabe about BFN on Friday, he is not invited.
by WILLOWFOOT May 14, 2011
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A BFN is a Bro For Now
Hey, you're alright for a cab driver. Since you took care of me while I was wasted in Calgary, you're now my BFN.
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-Sophia: "Just for that, I'm gonna get kbbq tomorrow without you"
-Adam: "You bfn"
-Sophia: "Bfn?"
-Adam: "Better fucking not"
-Sophia: "That is rude !!! And I will!
by xfreshx February 16, 2017
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BFN = Bitch Fuck Niggas hair cut. When a white girl has her hair cut short in the back and a little longer in the front.
Damn, look at that girls bfn, you can tell shes ghetto.
Look at that sluts bfn.
by Flash24 January 19, 2010
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BFN= Bold, Fresh and New

BFN is a style criterion used for purchasing shirts. BFN was created for people who want to stand out and look classy at the same time. BFN is a legacy of the modern era, where confident, hardworking people can achieve anything.

Bold: You walk into a room and people notice you. Less is more-- stay away from anything too busy. The effect must be subtle or you will look like a complete tool.

Fresh: If you could smell colors, the colors on the BFN shirt would smell like a fresh breeze. Light colors, sometimes combined with contrast for emphasis.

New: Only crisp and modern. Don't go near anything faded, ragged, or wrinkled.
Charles: Alex, you look good man, and you are always surrounded by women. What is your secret?

Alex: BFN
by A.Black May 28, 2012
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