Aurora is the most stunning girl ever. She is very funny and can make anyone smile. She may seem all goodie-goodie but once you get to know her, she's the most bad ass chick ever. She has lots of friends and is the definition of popular, but she is not a mean girl. She is fit and all the guys want her, she is unique and trustworthy.
by sammikle June 25, 2017
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A wonderful girl with a great smile, and perfect teeth. She has beutiful curly brown hair, and deep brown eyes. Everyone loves her, and she loves all, especially her siblings. She takes great care every day into making sure her brothers/sisters are happy. She would trade her life for those of her siblings, if needed. She is also kind of morbid, but in a good way.
Boy: look at her with her brother, she must really love him
Girl: yeah, she's a total Aurora
by you'llneverguess>:) May 19, 2014
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A girl with a rainbow of different hair colours, from red to purple to blue to black. Most likely seen with an "Erin" or at least talking to one. Gorgeous and stunning, any guy would be lucky to have one, that is, if they are worthy. Aurora is typically the most beautiful girl in a crowd, thus easy to spot. Beware, all that harm the Aurora will have their houses burned down and their livestock stolen. By an Erin.
Jenny: What happened to your house, Sally??

Sally: I accidentally bumped into Aurora in the hallway today!

Jenny: Your house is burned down and all of your chickens are gone!


"Wow! Is she a goddess?! "

"No, even better, That's Aurora"
by EEK AP BECKETT May 8, 2010
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The most amazing girl on the planet. Resembles the visual appearance of Ariel with long red hair, and a contagious smile. You'd be lucky to have Aurora as a girlfriend. She rains down sunshine on everybody's day and puts a smile on your face. :)
Aurora is my everything. <3
by Grant_999 May 10, 2016
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A badass who is smart, pretty, funny, and your best friend. If you meet an Aurora make sure to become friends with her.
by Mare_Barrow February 13, 2017
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A beautiful athletic avarage weight girl, either really tall or super short. beautiful hair (dirty blonde)
Daumn look at Aurora today
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The most pure human being found on this earth.
No one:

Me: aurora is the purest
by Mayyyyyyyyyyyy December 14, 2019
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