a term for someone who has their own head stuck up
their own ass as far as their shoulders.

someone who does very dumb shit and is happy/ when one trades a several hundred dollar tool for a

fifty dollar piece of shit and thinks he got a good deal
he has a bad case of assinitis

that guy really has head up his ass
by fuckdome January 28, 2011
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"...assination is what happens when you misspell a word, and you feel like an ass".

derived from the word "assassination" when ones mother types to fast.
So did they do the assination topic today? Would have been timely if they had-- seeing as bin Laden was just assasinated.
Jeez, I feel like an ass.
by Mac-n-Weenies May 2, 2011
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The act of being made a fool in front of someone (including small children) by a complete dellusional dillweed that thinks their IQ matters to the human population. The person also believes in equality and complete fairness among friends. Go figure. Something's wrong with this.
Girl says "Hey, the metard at wal*mart wouldn't let me use my EBT card. She said the "swiper" was not working. I've had a long, hard one dealing with enough douchebags for the day, so I let it be."

Boy#1 says "you didn't get her name? Did you demand the MANAGER come and assist you? I don't get your attitude?!?"

Boy#2 says "oh boy, looks like I need to babysit you two."

Girl says "fuck all. I've just been ASSinated by my own boyfriend. Do I deserve this, really?"

Boy #1 said nothing about the delicious 18" sub sandwich that the girl bought him." Not even, thank you.

CONCLUSION: She's been ASSinated.
by fatalSTRENGTH August 10, 2010
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(n) The act of becoming an ass. (v) To assify.
Syn. bitchification

Ex. The man was in a state of assinization because of being an ass to the girl.
by Andrew Al April 21, 2006
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Acting in a manner consistent with an ass (either a jackass or just an ass ass). Braying arrogantly and assishly. Producing excrement when one acts or speaks. See Donald Trump.
"I see Trump was on Twitter again in the wee hours, assin' it up!"
by SusieSweetCheeks November 17, 2016
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1.) Doing half the work to make it look like all the work is completed. Normally a symptom of genuine laziness.
ie.) sweeping the dirt under the rug.
Betty has been half assin it her whole life.
by WhiteMouse November 4, 2013
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