a different rapper chicken macker trick attracter, old school mother fuckers be like, "listen to that whipper snapper" - apathy
by crown of hops September 8, 2007
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1. Not caring about what is happening in your surroundings.

2. The word every fuckball goth uses in every other sentance without knowing what it means.
I am now a goth, and therefore I will use the word "Apathy" A whole lot. Apathy.
by E-Van August 25, 2004
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A sterility caused by life's proverbial kicks in the groin.
Q: (Insert any question here)
A: Who cares?!
by Svengali March 18, 2005
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Could I interest you in everything
All of the time?
A little bit of everything
All of the time
Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime
Anything and everything
All of the time
by Doilooklikeiknow July 1, 2021
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The word being used by every badass out there, despite the fact that they are ignorant to its meaning..
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
I dont know, and i dont care
by TheTallWolfGeek January 30, 2009
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