beautiful goddess; queen of the universe, especially the queen of love who has to beat off lovers with a stick
worship aditi
by Anonymous May 19, 2003
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She's the most beautiful girl, cute and humorous. She has been through a lot... But yet her smile can be so intoxicating... You will be lost !! She has a pure soul, very kind and caring. She is very smart, and is capable of doing great things. She is very good in sports and is very competitive. Most of the times, she is sad by her insecurities, but there are few close persons which always keep a smile on her face. In short, everybody will be glad to just know her !!!
Aditi is a goddess.
You should be like aditi.
by Vayda November 24, 2021
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The sexiest woman alive no in the world could even come close to aditi she’s funny, smart, cheerful over all just an amazing person anymore would be lucky just to talk to aditi
1 ya bro I was just chillin on the court you know ballin on em ahhhhha

2 oh word dawg

1 wait hold up you see that girl over there ima go holla check you out cuz

2 Ight


1 hey ma what’s up are you a the sun cuz you just brightened up my whole day

Aditi nah I’m not the sun cheesy pick up line tho it’s kinda cute but you have no chance
by Njct September 16, 2019
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A beautiful and smart girl that is good at English.
You got an A for English, you are a good Aditi.
by Bias lisa September 29, 2021
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The best friend you could wish for. Has odd, yet amazing likes. She is beautiful, smart, and attractive. She's liked by all the boys she comes across.
That girl is so beautiful, but she is always doing math! She doesn't date! She's such an Aditi!
by Josefine Hansen February 22, 2012
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It is a girl who lives in jungle "Adivasi".
She always gets 0 in all tests
Aditi is a Adivasi
by The Real Teller August 22, 2018
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One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. They're super talented but have this slight urge to be the best at everything. They get jealous at times but never let it affect their relationships. Their amazing sense of humor (often influenced by the even better best friend) keeps the convos lit. They have their own style. They don't always follow what's popular and it makes them so much more interesting and unique. Very respectful too; you'll never find them passing rude, homophobic, racist, etc. comments. They're quiet and soft-spoken, hardworking, and seem like they're actually interested in learning something new. They're great listeners, and will never interrupt you. They are also obsessed with chicken nuggets and guys' hair.
Aditi is one of those friends who'd be 1cm taller than you and tease u abt it ALL the time.
Aditi is one of these people who seem innocent but are literally the dirtiest-minded one in the friend group.
by blobfishdoggo June 7, 2022
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