A description of an algorithm or computer routine that produces poor or hinky results. This is a reference to Dijkstra's algorithm.
Oh damn, that's a major Yijkstra's algorithm, 40 percent of monte carlos show the rocket smashing into the ground.
by the_fat_greek_mathematician September 15, 2021
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A type of programming that incorporates the Darwinian theory of evolution by creating a large number of possible solutions to a problem randomly and creating "offspring" possibilities by combining certain traits randomly also randomly selecting certain solutions for termination based on their closeness to solving the problem (IE: survival of the most use full solutions) in addition the computer selects a number of solutions randomly and creates small "mutations" in their characteristics. the computer continues this process until the given criteria for an acceptable solution are met.
I hear that NASA has a new type of antenna that has a great range and low energy usage!
yeah they used a genetic algorithm to design it!
by crartonis June 27, 2006
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Algorithm hell refers to a behavior of the Youtube Algorithm to not push out a creators content as much as before. It is usually caused due to inactivity of the uploader and the algorithm assuming the channel is esentially dead even though the creator is still uploading
My friend took a two month break from youtube and now he’s in algorithm hell.
by curiousmind34 May 11, 2020
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an algorithm is a procedure (a finite set of well-defined instructions) for accomplishing some task which, given an initial state, will terminate in a defined end-state. A Jism Algorithim is when The computational complexity and efficient implementation of the algorithm are so strong and firm that sperm leaks out.
translated into Latin in the 12th century, as Jisimi Algoritmi de numero Indorum, which title was likely intended to mean "Algoritmi about the numbers of the Indians which i made white and cream-like", where "Algoritmi" was the translator's rendition of the author's name and "jisimi" meant cum, white cum; but people misunderstanding the title treated Jisimi Algoritmi as a Latin plural and this led to the word "Jism algorithm"
i gave my stockbrokers wife a jism algorithm after i t-bagged her and before i t-billed her.
by john really brown November 16, 2006
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A shift in the paradigm how the world learns and the answer to it all.
Marc: "I have finally come up with the kramerian algorithm"
Chris: Get outta here!
by Niddhog June 3, 2021
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When people that you care about have been negatively manipulated by social media falsehoods, nonsense and conspiracy theories.

Similar to ‘it’s the whiskey talking’ when friends lose their filter after a night of drinking.
by PittsburghG January 23, 2021
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