A very good, high toned voice used to start drama in the mall, center of town, or any place with people.
Attention everybody! Shut the hell up and listen... HEE HEE!
by Punji September 20, 2008
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The famous quote brought about by the famous pop-king MJ.
Micheal Jackson: *sing-song* Hee hee
by Clymene August 12, 2019
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(1) The term Hee Hee is used by Michael Jackson as a way to hit high notes.

(2) It is also used for laughing, giggling, or chuckling
(1) Person 1: "Did you SEE M.J preforming last night?!"
Person 2: "Yeah! I loved how he hit the Hee Hee's!"

(2) Person 3: Wanna hear something funny?
Person 4: what?
Person 3: *Says something funny*
Person 4: hee hee!
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A word made by Micheal Jackson. It’s unknown what the proper meaning is, but it is very effective.
Person: *sends funny image*

Other dude: Hee Hee
by OWOwHaTsThIs?!?! July 8, 2019
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A term used by Irving "Magic" Johnson in the dream team documentary "the greatest game nobody ever saw" to describe a sick over the shoulder no-look pass he made.
Charles Barkley said "I wanna take Karl Malone now!" so Charles gets it... fall-away jumper... GOOOD!
I said "Uh-uh Karl! You gotta get him back! You better go down there and get him back!"
Karl went right at him... jump-shot... "You ain't nothing! You ain't nothing, Barkley!"
So then, I came down.... HEE HEE!!!
by noopennames January 9, 2017
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The sound that a common faggot ginger makes when laughing. This is generally believed to be an affected laugh to impress girls or to make others around him believe that he is having a better time than them. Could be a symptom of the disease, "Gingervitis".
Ginger - hee HEE hee HEE hee HEE, I work at Burr King, hee HEE hee HEE
Man - Oh my god someone tell that stupid faggot ginger to shut the fuck up!
by TonyL (the example ginger) February 8, 2011
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I'm bad as Michael Jackson (dun-dun-dun)
"Hee Hee" is MJ's catchphrase not "I want to touch you" John, you fucking dickhead.
by Big_man_42069 January 17, 2021
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