National give your friend with glasses $100 day
today is January 25”
by bendoverprivatedetective January 25, 2022
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January 25 One girl must annoy a boy that she hates
Girl : Hi dumb boy

Boy : Why did you say that

Girl : it’s January 25
by annastok January 22, 2022
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This is national tell your crush you like/ hug or kiss them day. Tell your crush you like them. Or hug or kiss them and they will have to be ok with it
Girl:*hugs crush*

Crush:”Right it’s January 25”
by Hcjucd January 24, 2021
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National give you gf you hoodie day
Bro today is January 25!
by January 22, 2021
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On January 25 go up to your crush tell them you like them or ask them out
January 25
by Dracyn December 12, 2019
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National kiss a guy that goes to Greenwood high school and happens to be a redhead and happens to have insane drip and happens to be 5’ 11” if you round up 6’ and happens to play basketball.
Wow I don’t even know it was January 25. Looks like I have to kiss my redhead.
by Erob921 January 25, 2022
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