A language used by hackers and posers alike, it began in 1993. In that year, only the lightest 133t was used by hackers, just enough so that their web sites would not be found in a mainstream keyword search. For several years, it went on like this, and was relatively unknown.
Then, with the release of massive multiplayer online roly playing games (MMORPG's), a few hackers began to play, and they used l33t in the game's chat system.
Now, several years later, l33t has permeated the entire Internet, being used both by those who are truly hackers, and people who use what they pick up.
133t comes in several rankings, starting at light l33t, up to hard 1337, and finally ending with ultra |_33¯|¯. There is also something that I will not try, and that is known as 'uber l33t,' in which neither letters nor numbers can be used. This is reserved to only the truly great, and almost requires a modified keyboard.
The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog. (English)

7h3 q51(|{ br0wn ph0x j5mp$ 0v3r 7h3 #42% P09. ( somewhat hard 1337)
by Freedan February 28, 2006
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A sub-language invented by the hacker culture during usenet days. Letters would be replaced with numbers to make it harder for non-hackers to search for conversations and pick up on what hackers were doing at the time. It got the name "1337" from the word "elite", which where what hackers were. Unfortunately, script-kiddies caught on, and completely missing the point of 1337, instead began to use it to write EVERYTHING, thinking it would earn them passage into the hacker culture. Little did they know that it actually required knowledge to become a hacker. Now it is openly mocked by the hacker community, making fun of the kids who still use it although it's more than 30 years past it's usefulness, instead replaced by 128 bit AES encryption and the like.
D00d! 1|\/| 4 1337 H4X0R |\|0W!!!!111!!1
by Black Leopard May 5, 2006
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A word used my losery 10 year olds who read it playing Counter-Strike, which is in between watching Dragonball Z and Pokemon. Most of them don't know what it means and write screwed up sentences.
Loser69: h4 h4 I 4m 500 1337. j00 ll4ma ha><0|2z 5u|< mi w4ng!
Realplayer: Shut up and die.
by Madman April 1, 2003
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1337. Short for “leet” or elite” Used by gamers or hackers. You’ll hear lots of YouTube gamers such as Syndicate say “1337”
i t0tally pnwed u. u r so a n00b and i am so 1337
by LDB1337 January 19, 2018
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The practice of using visually similar characters to replace the characters of everyday words. Many wanna-be hackers (13-year-old gamers who watched The Matrix one to many times) try to sound "professional" by talking in 1337 5p34|< (leet speak) during online games and internet forums. However, with all creatures, the ability to speak does not guarantee intelligence.
Wanna be: j00 F00! 1 r0x0rs j00! 1 4/\/\ 1337 H4x0rz!

Forums Moderator: Do you even know the difference between a MAC address and an IP?
by Cyberopts July 25, 2005
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One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven

Also known as Elite
1337 chat is used by either of the following
Used mainly by hackers (intelegent people who think they're cool by using numbers instead of letters normally losers in their school or community) 10% and wannabe hackers (idiots who don't know what they're actually saying but thinks its funny to see numbers when they are trying to put words in) 90%
I myself being a real hacker am not fond of "1337 chat" because it disrupts all meaning and just makes me look like a complete retard.

My common dictionary if ever using 1337 chat
A = 4
B = 13
C = { or (
D = l)
E = 3
F = F
G = 6 or 9
H = l-l
I = 1
J = J
K = l<
L = 1
M = lVl or /\/\
N = lV or /\/
O = 0 or () or
P = D or D
Q = Q
R = 12
S = 5
T = 7
U = U
V = \/
W = VV or \/\/ or lN
X = ><
Y = Y
Z = 2

Please give me a thumbs up =)
Z0lVlG 1M 50 lVlUCl-l lVl0R3 1337 7l-l4lv J00
Oh my god I am so much more elite than you are.
by Ryan Deming June 20, 2006
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