Abbrieviation of "Just Kidding". Often mistaken as an abbrieviation of "Jokes", but this is still a widely accepted form of it.
"Lyke I was jk"
"Lolmfao, jk"
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 13, 2006
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i.m talk meaning "just kidding"

mostly used by people to insult others and still stay friends with them by two faced people.SOMETIMES used in a genuine way.
How it happens-
Cheerleaderbitch08:You looked like total shit last night!
You:Ahaha you r funny.

How it should happen-
Cheerleaderbitch08:You looked like total shit last night!
You:I will b jk'ing when I have my fist in ur face.
You:Ahaha jk!

by mandeebarrett January 12, 2008
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3rd generation Jeep Wrangler. Preceded by the YJ and TJ. Began production in model year 2007. Likely to continue until 2016 or so.
Thanks for using your JK to pull my Hummer out of the mud!
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Just Kitten (meow!)

^What exactly is a "kidding?" Nobody ever told you what a "kidding" was. You just immediately are taught to say "Just kidding with you" or "Just kidding." "Just kitten" just MAKES MORE SENSE.
by PhatNotes June 18, 2010
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Army: jk
Friend: why are you kidding?
Army: I meant jungkook
by Armyjkkk April 4, 2018
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