maya is an amazing girl. she is willing to be anybodys bæ and she is very outgoing and popular. Mayas are the best people to be friends with. They are also very intelligent, smart, and beautiful.
Wow! Maya is amazing!
by m7d8k9 February 10, 2015
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a really cool girl ,often misunderstood. she is really nice and understanding and deserves the best.
i want a maya.
by gardenofpinkthorns October 3, 2018
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Maya is a wonderful girl who cares about others and a great and amazing friend to have you always want to hang out with her because of how amazing and awesome she is!!
I wish I was called a Maya!!
by Coolgirl247 February 11, 2019
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Extremely exotic and beautiful, Mayas have a dream-like effect. She mesmerizes with her crazy, wild, mysterious aura. Mayas are modest and sensitive to others but are not liked by girls, who are intimidated/jealous. They are true in relationships but know a million boys would die to date them. When a Maya is in love, that is all she thinks of but she doesn't get hurt easily coz she knows what she's worth. Mayas express themselves through creativity like dancing. A Maya is naughty and fiery, SHE CAN'T BE TAMED.
Caleb: Who IS that girl?
Dave: That's Maya. No one can tame her.
by CGCBT June 14, 2013
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A chill girl with a wide imagination. She listens to weird but awesome music. She doesn't have a favorite color because she refers to all of them as beautiful. She loves nature and animals. She spends class time contemplating the reason for human existence. She likes to be alone while she questions everything. She keeps to herself most of the time because she hates everyone. But in rare cases if you can get into her heart you'll realize she's a loud obnoxious girl. If you can get into her heart don't take it for granted.
Guy 1: Hey who's that girl outside watching the stars?
Guy 2: Oh that's just Maya.
by Luna42 February 13, 2016
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A girl who is extremely intelligent and stunning. Maya's are normally skinny and have beautiful long legs. Maya is the type of girl who likes dance more than any other sport. There's a good chance that Maya is secretly in love with a close friend. Maya is such a sweet girl and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend or girlfriend!
Hey have you met Maya?

No, but she's so pretty and she's sooo smart!
by 12345/54321 June 22, 2017
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A word for a person that's broken, yet beautiful
She's beautiful, but broken. A true Maya.
by What Gone Stephanie What December 22, 2016
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