It means that you're on your way to take a jerk. Instead of openly saying that you want to jerk off, this is a way for parents to hopefully not understand, which reduces the chance of them catching you jerking off.
"Guys, will be back soon, I'm just gonna' take a hot dog at IKEA"
by Bokskogen July 29, 2022
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Something you should never say on any public transport
Garry: "I'm the bomb!"
John "Bro, we're on a plane, you can't say that"
by SomeCuntWithNoLife May 7, 2021
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Gay "code" for saying you're about to go and get sodomized.
Where you going?

I'm taking the bus

Well alright, be careful son
by AJiwnl September 19, 2023
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When your texting somebody and your ready to listen.
(Text messages)
John:I'm so sad!
kate:I'm all fingers!
by The Oppisop June 3, 2015
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You died of laughter, aka something is that funny you laughed so hard you died. but it is extremely amusing.
Friend 1: DAMN, that man got crossed.
Friend 2: I'm Desiced
by BigFellaIsFat May 9, 2018
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Something used in a very hard to finish argument and the place where I am
Guy 1- you stupid

Guy 2- I'm in Ur walls 😃
by Hahafunni420 September 15, 2022
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