When someone is talking to you and you have no idea what their talking about, but you just can't stop listening because you love listening to them.
"Wesley I have no idea what your talking about, but I love listening to you." That person at the bar last night was "Talking like a Wesley."
by Spacewrangler September 3, 2015
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Post-Exercise Poop Talk: The only time you give enough of a fuck to read and respond your wife's DMs, because you're too otherwise too bored from blowing through the porcelain already
I thought my nigga actually be taking time to message me but the whole time he was just sitting there giving me a pep talk
by Sledgehumper September 10, 2020
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Slang term used when guys like highly intelligent girls and hear their conversations. Young men that use this term use this as a substitute for "Talk dirty to me", because it is more respectful and overall classier, and compliments the woman on her intelligence and achievements in obtaining her PhD in the field of her choice. Same for the opposite sex.
by BabydollDame22 January 3, 2017
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When bored guys rag on each other at work, with no actual harm intended.
shop talk example:

Person 1: "Need a hand carrying that box?"
Box Carrier: "Nah, I got it"
Person 2 (Usually shouted from a neighboring room): "He could use the exercise anyway"
by MacElster September 15, 2022
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When calling someone, they immediately change the conversation, then end the call before you have a chance to tell them what you called them for.
I was completely Talk-Blocked when I called Joel. I wanted to ask him a question, but all he did was complain then hang up. That guy is the master Talk-Blocker
by mexicoselbano May 18, 2012
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when guys have a heterosexual discussion of their feelings, usually about their girlfriends.
guy1: dude what's dave talking to James about
guy2: oh, he's having a softie talk about how his girlfriend keeps busting his balls
by gingerfox69 January 20, 2009
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Talk or discussion that is kept entirely within a family for fear that outsiders will find out what is really going on within the family.
"Son, the fact that your mother and I drink heavily is family talk and should never be shared with your grandma and grandpa."

"Son, you should never tell anyone that your mother is addicted to diet pills and enjoys daily doses phenobarbital. You tell anyone about it and I'll beat the hell out of you."
by Orange County Jimmy May 27, 2012
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