It means they are very peepee like aka a dick

A prime example is this YouTube channel called onion head
Hot guy walks to the park with other friend "Look at that peepee head over their." Other friend looks" Ya that girl is a real peepee head
by NatsuTheMatsu June 21, 2018
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A meme with shrek that also went viral on tiktok.
"Ayo, peepee poopoo check!
Peepee poopoo, oh, ooooooh!
Peepee peepee oooooh"
by IgorGames August 16, 2023
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Bro a girl that can outlast any man in the bed room
Bro I met this girl she was the peepee slayer
by Panda Omega February 10, 2022
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Person who professionally deals with the health of minor wee wee.
K Timmy, the peepee-atrician needs to take a looksie at your schnitzel.
by thejellydonutman March 16, 2017
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it is what it sounds
too graphic for description but to make up for it I ____ and peepee-poooja _____.
by pranni July 11, 2023
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Rice Crispy treats that were urinated on.

A slang term referring to Kellogg's Rice Crispy Treats (and other Rice Crispy products). The name refers to a video posted in 2014 where an unidentified man urinates on the conveyor belt which the rice crispier were transported on. Kellogg Many of them have been recalled but there are still hundreds out there.
Guy 1: Hey Nick, I just gave Steve a peepee treat and he actually are it.

Guy 2: Serves him right for stealing your chips.
by Supercoolsome April 17, 2016
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