Jr NTR is called lypo surgery star who can eat 10 pig biriyanis in one sitting had 20 lypo surgery sitting for body and face ,so this breakeven less star is called as lypo surgery star
by JrNTR May 8, 2021
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noun: meaning child predator, beware of all india Joyce’s they might eat you. signs you have met an india joyce include, big bunda, bestie called molly and very loud
oh my god look over there it’s an india joyce!
by moll xoxo December 22, 2020
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If you're searching for the smallest person in a room just yell "India" an then look down.
Man: "Where is Little India?
Woman: "Right between your legs..."
by schlomo110 November 22, 2021
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Bad bitch , pretty and intelligent , having a whole bunch of money and motion . Fuck a nigga . boss ass female , every NIGGA ON THE PLANET WISH HE HAD A INDIA. We are successful loving women . Indeed straight & independent
India is a pretty girl I love how smart, pretty, independent, and intelligent she is . wish I had a girl name India .
by Indiallure._ November 22, 2021
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If your name is India god probably dislikes you very much , your a big disappointment to your family but your pretty and very social/popular. You are so bad at sport but you have freckles so it’s okay . India’s are very funny and very smart even though they don’t seem it. You’re so crazy and are such a party animal some people can’t handle your level
Do you know an india ?
Yeah india is the baddest bitty
by Imarealfairy June 1, 2020
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The country that is insanely dense, and it’s so flooded with scams, fuck. I hope they realize they shouldn’t scam people.
Indian: English Indian accent noises
Person: Okay that sounds a little weird
Indian: I give you free robux just give me your ip adress
Person: no
by Nonexistant 😔 😔 😔 April 24, 2022
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