Max is a raw daddy, who loves a JUICY DICK up his ass, hes a fuckboy who would shag anyone for a drink of water/ irn-bru. He'll make you cum faster than a train going "choo choo"!!!! but hes a good mate tbh.
PERSON: Max and i were totally at it last night, the neighbors were screaming the walls down but he was too busy tearing my ass down.
RAW DADDY; Totally tore some ass in a threeway last night! they dont call me max for nothin'
by Shhh682 September 25, 2017
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Max someone who is extremely tall and a dickhead sometimes
by Mk.armuci December 29, 2018
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The most beautiful sexy fit af person u will meet
Hi do u want to come round for fun to night Max
by Ur boiii547 January 7, 2019
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Although most of the definitions are positive for the name max, there are some downfalls to it. There are pros and cons to everything and this is one of them. Max is usually a self loathing lazy person. People who are named max often enjoy gaming (maybe a little to much...), take things to personally (especially if they didn't get to have something their way), they don't like to make or eat real meals for themselves, & they have a very hard time owning up to things they did they don't like taking responsibility. A max is usually an annoying younger brother who is spoilt and annoys the hell out of their older siblings. People named max have a lot of creativity and potential if they only strive to earn it. A max will usually not be able to get their way because of their emotions and not being able to control them.
Sister: Sorry max but its my turn to watch tv.
Max: Mom said I had 2 hours to play games on my xbox>:c
Sister: Its been 5 hours.....
Max: I F**KING HATE THIS FAMILY I HATE YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE !!!!!!..... -Stomps off to room and slams the door-

Example 2:

Boss: Sorry max, you're fired. You have missed a week of work without notice or call.
Max: So.
Boss: You failed your responsibility.
by Agirlwhojustknowspeoplewell February 7, 2018
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He gets all the boys in town #boysforlife
Max gets with all the boys
by Maxgayyy May 31, 2019
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