
The evil that lives inside your empty stomach that attempts to tear its way out of you.
I’m sorry baby! But the hunger demons were after me and the only thing that was within reach was your cereal.
by cdamiano April 9, 2022
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A disease whereas the male victim is infected with an insatiable hunger for the flesh and fluids of his female love
That fine ass bitch gave me The Hungarian Hunger
by PatientZero-A August 5, 2021
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When you are hungry but the food or the person offering the food is not appealing.
I’m not hungry for salad but 3 slices go down easy..... fat girl hunger strike

When you’re husband brings home pizza for dinner but he pissed you off this morning so no .... fat girl hunger strike

When a bitch offers you a cookie but you hate her so no ...... fat girl hunger strike
by Lumber Natty May 11, 2021
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Carn-hungering; the literal meaning being: flesh-hungering. Carn, being the latin word for meat or flesh. Hungering, meaning the everpresent desire or craving for (insert anything here).
The T-Rex is a carn-hungering beast.
by Mostlyvegetarianguy January 6, 2013
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The Hunger Games is a trilogy book series written by Suzanne Collins. It also features the books being made into movies. The titles of the books are The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. However, the Mockingjay book was made into 2 Movies. Jeniffer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen in the movies. Katniss is the main character throughout the series.

But, if you’re looking for the definition of what The Hunger Games is, here you go.

The Hunger Games takes place in a dystopian futuristic North America. 24 Tributes from all 12 districts ( Each district has something to contribute to “ The Capitol ” ) will be selected at random, and fight to the death. Each tribute is from the ages of 12-18, and is either a male or female. Each district has to give up 2 children and then they get presented to The Capitol for sponsorships which can help them through the battle royale games. And, only one can win.
X : “ I love the Hunger Games books! ”

Y : “ Who’s your favorite character? ”

X : “ It’s ____. ”

Y : “ Yay! Me too! ”
by roryrai May 21, 2022
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What we’re all living in under the Biden presidency due to rampant inflation and insane mandated discrimination policies designed to separate people into haves and have nots.
Fuckin’ 2022 gonna be like hunger games for everyone cuz the dollar ain’t gonna be worth shit bro!
by PoorAndHungryinAmerica December 19, 2021
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hunger games is an example of child abuse, somehow its illegal but i never watched it
by someone else thats not u March 25, 2021
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