Gerard Way should make everyone gay bc he sure has made me gay !
Gerard Way made me so gay bro !
by zerothevampire August 11, 2021
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Relatively overweight front man for world reknown rock band My Chemical Romance. Often seen wearing a SWAT vest so as to help compress his fat. Has a trademark broken blood vessle on the right side of his face beneath his eye which has been fondly named Nigel. Likes to pose in ridiculous positions for photos, is missing teeth, and is a camera whore. Also has a tendancy to talk. A lot.

Commonly referred to as Big Mama, Geetard, and Steve.
"Gerard Way, shut up, you're embarrassing all of us."
by bad_luck November 20, 2005
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Lead singer of the New Jersey rock band My Chemical Romance, also a talented artist, brother of Mikey Way.
He's also very attractive.
I would.
How wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying. - Gerard Way
by liastd August 28, 2006
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The lead singer of My Chemical Romance. He has an obscene number of fangirls who apparently think he's the sexiest thing on the planet, and they fail to realize the fact that he looks like a pasty-faced corpse and is incredibly ugly. He doesn't sing, he screams like he's being strangled.
Fangirl: AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Gerard Way is SO friggen sexy!!!!!111 I wanna have his babies!!!!!!!!111

Me: Shut up! Idiot...
by the-anomaly July 5, 2006
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A Scottish actor who portrayed, among others, Marek in Timeline and Erik Destler in The Phantom of the Opera. Good actor with a singing voice that makes one feel as if they are being strangled with a Punjab lasso.
Gerard Butler is good-looking and an okay actor, but when he opens his mouth to sing, flowers die all over the world.
by Iliythia February 27, 2006
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Gerard Way is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. So, okay - he's pretty good lookin an all, but if you spend all your time wishing that u could fuck him then you REALLY need to get a life! I mean come on! He's 28, and he has a girlfriend! Their music is the best and that's enough.
Anyway He has got better things to do than read a load of random people, that are LITERALLY HALF HIS AGE, wanna fuck him!
Gerard Way has bettter things to do than read these notes. I wish I could meet him an everything, but thats never gonna happen so I move on!
by Rose - or Sasha November 12, 2006
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gerard is gay and i have proof. he kisses bert from the used all the time. he even said he was gay on Fuse. if they said they are gay then they ARE gay and you cant change that you teenies. And Gerard said if he wasen't making music he would be making children's books LOL!!!
he is gay so stop going OOOH HES HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT you bitches, and hes not hot at all
by my chemical romance are EMO April 19, 2005
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