When a lucky person gets surrounded by men, women or both and all streams release a golden shower display to rival the Bellagio hotel covering the lucky recipient with warm yellow goodness.
The party was nuts, everyone surrounded R Kelly and gave him a surround and drown.
by padawamedic April 20, 2018
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To Urinate. Specifically (but not exclusively) in a urinal.

Origin: Certain urinal drains bear an uncanny resemblance to classic comic strip character Ziggy staring up at you. (two beady eye and a giant nose)
If the drain is backed up, or you have a exceptionally robust stream, it is possible to completely submerge the "nose" and therefore "Drown Ziggy"
As nothing good ever happens to Ziggy, it is rather fitting.
"I'll be right back, I need to go Drown Ziggy".
"I drank so much last night that when I took a piss I almost drowned Ziggy."
by Phill the Thrill December 30, 2011
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When you feel like being a kind of psychotic idiot and don't believe in the floating of boats, but rather the drowning of goats.
by alex bezzina September 6, 2017
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A white man covering a well-made meal in ketchup.
"dude i going to white drown this steak"
"this is why we all hate you. stop using stupid urban dictionary ass shit. NOBODY THINKS YOUR FUCKING FUNNY MITCH. MAKE A FUCKING FUNNY JOKE."
"hehe white drowning"
by just poland July 3, 2023
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Having a lot of cash. So much so that you're no longer swimming.
Plebian 1: "Dude, Jeff Bezos has so much money"
Plebian 2: "I know. He's drowning. Wanna make out?"
by lahiyam April 2, 2021
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Drowning is the name of a character adoption account on instagram called @Drowning_adopts.

Drowning is the action of suffocating under water.
Wow Drownings adopts are so cute and colorful
by Drowned OwO October 15, 2020
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