A female is sitting on the toilet as her male lover is exiting the shower that she had occupied only moments ago. She had a turtle head poking its unruly neck out due to the deep dicking she had received in the shower prior to this. As the male passes the female she gobbles down his penis in the heat of passion they were still clearly still in. This is something that is in general unplanned and considered highly taboo. However, the two people had in fact not only been in the act of the reverse blumpkin but, had done so accidentally. Hence the accidental reverse blumpkin. The two never spoke of it again. Both feeling ashamed of committing such a perverted act.
I bet they didn't see that accidental reverse blumpkin coming before they hopped in the shower like a couple of wild dogs in heat. Its ok, Jesus still loves them....
by madmike135 July 30, 2018
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When you’re at a urinal and accidentally glance at the neighbouring man’s penis
Finn accidentally glanced at his neighbours penis”

Finn just committed an “accidental glance
by Akkersclappers November 6, 2023
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Unintentionally saying something that is straight out filthy at work. It is usually the same perpetrator over and over. While it can be followed by someone saying, "That's what she said" it is usually so wildly inappropriate, you swear the person said it on purpose and stare in astonishment, but the person really is just that innocent or ignorant.
Loudly proclaiming "The ostrich's penis was ridiculously big! Like almost dragging on the ground big" (just truly astonished at the size of something) as you walk into a meeting at work. Or starting a conversation with the boss by asking, "Can I sit on one of your balls?" (Referring to a yoga ball). Both of those are usually followed by an almost disgusted look by all who are present and someone saying, "There she goes with another Accidental Susan."
by SueSuzy September 15, 2021
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When you try talking dirty, fail terribly, and end up composing a classic pop song.
I tried talking dirty to my girl last night. I was so bad that she left me, but my Accidental Bacharach has reached number one.
by CreditToBenjaminacus February 10, 2023
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When the front of a person’s boxers open when they don’t want them to.
I’d sleep I just my boxers at her place but I’m worried about an accidental curtain.
by Opalescentdumbass December 12, 2022
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Having an uneven surface.
The accidentation of the building’s wall made climbing it easy.
by Ednindy October 27, 2018
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