The lot pizza is named after the Emperor Mikolo Co Emperor Jackno. Both emperors argued alot about what was going into there pizza , so to finally agree and live in peace they decided to put A-Lot of toppings on the pizza so none of them could complain about the outcome
Do you want to get the lot pizza
by The Emp0ror September 30, 2023
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pizza sliding in a backwards motion
freak 1 :ay, yo, u see that Michael Jackson looking pizza on the super bowl last night?

freak 2: yeah, he was doing the moon walk, so he was a pizza moonwalking

freak 1: no kidding sherlock
by jace-luna January 10, 2021
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When a person after eating pizza feels disgusted by the thoughts of other pizzas.
-Oh I just ate a whole pizza now I get the post pizza syndrome when I look at your pizza.
by the one and only ginger god March 25, 2019
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A pizza stick but also Something that u call someone to insult them
Person 1: I hate u, Pizza stick
by Idk1243 June 15, 2019
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Working in entry-level IT positions, and my income only allows me to occasionally treat myself to a pizza.
I go to George for all my IT needs, he is my go to pizza tech
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It’s fucking hot, fresh outta the microwave, and when you put it in your mouth it’s roughly the temperature of the sun
bro these shits are pizza roll hot
by Mikefrombestbuy June 21, 2020
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The most vile combination of pizza toppings known to man-kind. Typically found in the frozen aisles of a British Aldi supermarket.
Person A: What the hell is that? It looks disgusting.

Person B: A hotdog and mustard pizza, with stuffed cheese crust.
Person A: I'm going to vomit.
Person B: I just did.
by unixfreak October 29, 2022
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