A term used to describe businesses that are managers by insecure assholes who believe that standing in a store and waiting for their food product to be prepared is "pressuring their workers".
I was at maccas yesterday waiting for my order and the manager came out, accusing me of pressuring his staff by just standing there and looking at things. When I said I wasn't he then disagreed with me and made a whole song and dance about it. It was such a pizza capers moment....
by Rtard41 June 9, 2021
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When a fat chick queefs blood onto a donut then scraps her smagma and crusted jiz off her thighs on to said donut and let's it harden.
Sharyl gave me a saskatchwan pizza yesterday, best Canadian delicacy I've had.
by Ike wasoski March 23, 2016
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So pizza mac is like the only reason I hit this place up in my town cause it got 3 cheeses , thick cut pepperoni and it got pizza sauce in it and like for 12 bucks you get like 2 pounds of it
by Lashonhara August 5, 2021
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When someone utters a short comment, that seemes to add something to the conversation if thought about more intently, but in actuality is just a stupid pun that shouldn't have been thought about for a second.
"ah don't listen to imo he's just baking up some imos pizza again"
by iMOKD July 28, 2021
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The unfortunate result of a skydiving accident.
Did you hear Jim's chute failed to open? Yeah,
now he's runway pizza.
by John J. Leslie March 3, 2008
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A person, usually a University student at an on-campus event, who shows up solely for the pizza and then is an asshole about it either through a verbal complaint, by taking too many pieces, or even complaining via anonymous feedback form regarding how long it took for them to get pizza, what temperature it was, etc.
Marcus: "That guy just walked in the room; he wasn't even at the presentation!"
Sarah: "What a pizza jerk!"

PJ:*Takes 6 slices of pizza before everyone has a chance to get some*
by EnthusiasticElder April 8, 2016
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When you eat so much Dominoes pizza you get high.
Damn boy that double cheese Dominoes got me Pizza faded, my shit is slumped.
by BowssDowgg001 September 30, 2016
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