A name that no one remembers anymore if we are being for real.....
Person 1: Wasn't there someone named spider raptor?
Person 2: What are you on about?
Person 1: Nvm I guess
by Some Ranomd Guy April 5, 2021
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The Raptor Chicken, while appearing to be disfigured, moves forward with a continuous stream of unintelligible noises that are reminiscent of a mix between a dying bird and a lost yak. It is my pleasure to indicate my approval of this fascinating creature.
by POPPERS CHOOBERS May 26, 2023
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A person who is free-loader. A person who greatly annoys you, or a stupid person.
Holy crap, get out of my refrigerator you damn leech raptor
by leet_hax October 19, 2008
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an animal that is as agile as a monkey but as strong as a raptor, mostly found at stinkfingers house.
Dave: what's that disgusting animal over there?
Adam: its a raptor monkey.
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When you deficate on a mans penis, then ride his penis
Woman 1:What did you 2 do last night?
Woman 2: He was so kinky. He told me to give him a "Muddy Raptor"
by ADHDperson June 11, 2023
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A prehistoric - colonial creature, with a transplanted human brain, created by the forces of the universe. It is known to have an insatiable thirst for blood and whiskey. The Raptor Pilgrim is seen in exclusively puritan - garb, bonnets and pilgrim hats mostly. They are in fact the true settlers of Plymouth. Although the many may think this, they literally have nothing to with the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Joe: B quick! Raptor Pilgrim.

B: Are we going to MC'S?

Andrew: Dude, we can't the Raptor pilgrims will steal our whiskey, and drink our blood!

B: Oh snap!
by Andy McDandy November 26, 2011
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Pack hunters from the cretaceous period

Also in Jurrasic Park franchise
by SRGTGHOST1400 September 9, 2020
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