The act of having sexual acts with someone, to which after putting the full depth penis in the rectum, insert into your partners mouth for a safe taste of their own rectum.
Guy: Are you ready for the anal transfer?

Girl: im sorry what?

Guy: the anal transfer.

Girl: alright...

—Ten Minutes Later—

Guy: Transaction complete.
by YaBoiJesus July 17, 2019
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When you and your partner want to do anal, put your asscheeks right next to each other and one takes a firm, meaty shit out of their asshole and the turd moves into the others asshole.
Bro, I had to take a dump during sex with Amanda last night so I improvised and did the Anal Transfer.
by penguin504 January 27, 2020
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When a man (or women) cuts off their testacles and duct tapes them to the gennitals of another man giving him 4 nuts
Matt was extremely happy to know that thanks to the help of Paul he could have a testicular transfer
by Ikillfeminists12 June 12, 2016
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1. When Highschool/College athletes can't stop transferring, usually because he is unsatisfied with the sports program.

2. When Multiple athletes transfer schools in a short period of time.
1. Kevin was bit by the transfer bug freshman year... ever since has been to three schools.

2. Transfer Bug has been busy a West high, as four of their top recruits have left the school in 2019
by thekinghimselfandhisnoblesteed November 12, 2019
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When you and another person have a tube from anus to anus, transferring farts into each others cavities back and forth until so much stank is accumulated that when the tube is removed and the fart is released into the air, you are paralytically high from said fumes.

!!CAUTION!! These fumes may cause death like the real Auschwitz
I nearly died last night doing an Auschwitz Transfer with my homie. Incredible high though...
by Cloutos July 25, 2022
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National Transfer Money to Your Son Day is celebrated every year on October 13.
Hey guys, its National Transfer Money to Your Son Day!
by 3ffxct October 8, 2022
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