When you drop your hot steamy load on your closet friend while they sleep to get them wide awake and ready for the day
My friend was having a hard time getting out of bed this morning so I had to give him a hot steamy expresso
by MeepBeep#2 October 26, 2023
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When you are at a party or gathering and decide to have sex with someone from this party. After the deed you pull down you're dress and return to the party as if nothing happened. But there is clear evidence of the sin.
I think Jessica is trying to hide her steamy dress
by Kabukimyson July 17, 2022
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When you perform a Steamy Richard (Where you take a solid shit in a sock, microwave til steam comes out of the pores, slap a friend with it) then assfuck the friend and clean off your dick in their mouth or cunt.
I was just sitting there and he performed a steamy Bryan on me. Ruined my night.
by ToiletBryanThoughts November 24, 2021
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A steamy greenie meanie is a person who does not show respect for you like how the Buddhist brothers were protecting their temple.
“Jake and Dylan are such Steamy Greenie Meanies.”
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When someone diarrhea's on their partners back and then they jump and slide along their back.
by November 21, 2021
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The biggest fattest pile of shit you've ever left in a toilet
I left a Steamy Morgan in the toilet last night and woke up to my wife handing me divorce papers.
by CerealEarth December 20, 2022
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