To do a horrible job at something you were expected to be good at.
The singer Mariah Careyed that performance
by Icy Wyte January 2, 2018
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Someone who thinks they are better than they really are.
John: I could out-sing all of the other guys in this group. I just have more talent than all of them and they are so beneath me!
Tom: John, stop being such a Mariah Carey, it's very childish!
by Icy Wyte December 9, 2016
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Mariah Carey is a legend! Hands down, beats the shit out of any other artist, with 77 weeks at #1, 17 #1's, 5 #1 Albums, 170 Million records sold 6 octave range, and the looks to fill it out what more to you want? Pure godessss!
"I gave you the definition, now go buy her album as in go buy Mariah Carey's album!"
by Curtis Luvs Mimi March 21, 2006
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Mariah is the best female singer in the world!
She has a high octave range, and writes her own music.
She is devoted to work for her fans, and calls her tue fans, "lambs".
Her songs and lyrics are beautiful, original, charismatic, and continues to inspire many artists today.
"You can never sing like Mariah Carey"
"I am so Mariah's lamb!"
" OMG! Your voice is amazing! you can like Mariah!"
"I luv Butterflies ^_^"
by *~*~Lamb_gurl~*~* January 15, 2005
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Having a complete meltdown (usually involving your career as a bad actor).
That chick is about to go mariah carey!!!!
by d13 1n 4 F123 April 8, 2007
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Quite possibly the most annoying person that has ever lived. Has a good voice, but the personality of a newly catrated dog. She is overweight, but persists in wearing crack whore couture. She absolutely loves herself - bloody annoying
The other contributor has Mariah Careyitis - an infectious disease that passes between teenagers, in which the recipient idolises a sad aging cow, who thinks she is the centre of the universe
by Finesilver January 18, 2005
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