a very funny, caring guy. a jeremy is a great friend and you should never lose him because they will stay forever. he is literally the cutest little thing ever. if he loves you he will love you for a long time. he is so fun to hang out with. he doesn’t tell any secrets. he is just an amazing person. any girl would be lucky to have him as a significant other. jeremy will make you laugh so hard but at the same time he can make you sad. he is usually pretty tall. he’s very very smart it’s amazing. if you have a jeremy in your life tell them how you feel and keep them close. trust me you will regret losing it. :)
Jeremy!!!!! come here i need to tell you a secret
by yaga123456789 August 14, 2019
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A person who is part of the religion Jeremyism, which was created by smallishbeans. They honour Jeremy and Donkey Jeremy.
Joel: Are you a Jeremy?

Lizzie: No, Jeremyism is a cult.
by Jimmy Kimmy October 8, 2020
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by Jayon12345 February 11, 2019
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A sexual appeal mostly towards men
Did you hear about Mark wanting to get it on with another guy he wanted to Jeremy with him
by Unknownretailer May 31, 2017
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a pearl jam song in which the young man is tormented at home and school and decides to use gun violence to resolve this situation see columbine
dude jeremy is so jeremy lets not piss him off

news reporter:today in a florida high school dick butin pulled a jeremy by viciously massacring his whole school and on to other news r kelly guilty or innocent
by merge313 July 23, 2008
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